| 1001 (3551) | St Francis Hospital and Heart Center | USA |  |  |
| 1002 (3556) | Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofia | ESP |  |  |
| 1003 (3563) | OLV Hospital | BEL |  |  |
| 1004 (3572) | Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital | TWN |  |  |
| 1005 (3576) | Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1006 (3580) | Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1006 (3580) | Ochsner Healthcare * | USA |  |  |
| 1008 (3584) | Biodonostia Institute | ESP |  |  |
| 1009 (3589) | Beijing Ditan Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1010 (3590) | Clinica Alemana de Santiago | CHL |  |  |
| 1011 (3594) | IRCCS Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri, Pavia | ITA |  |  |
| 1011 (3594) | Universitats Kinderspital beider Basel | CHE |  |  |
| 1013 (3601) | Kobe University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1014 (3606) | Aalborg University Hospital | DNK |  |  |
| 1015 (3607) | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire d'Angers | FRA |  |  |
| 1016 (3610) | Zhejiang Cancer Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1017 (3617) | St. Vincent's University Hospital | IRL |  |  |
| 1018 (3628) | Polish Mothers Memorial Hospital Research Institute | POL |  |  |
| 1019 (3640) | St Josephs Hospital and Medical Center | USA |  |  |
| 1020 (3645) | Chiba University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1021 (3649) | Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental | PRT |  |  |
| 1022 (3659) | The Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1023 (3670) | Toronto Rehab | CAN |  |  |
| 1024 (3671) | King Abdullah International Medical Research Center | SAU |  |  |
| 1025 (3672) | Yale New Haven Health System | USA |  |  |
| 1026 (3675) | Meir Medical Center | ISR |  |  |
| 1026 (3675) | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Clermont-Ferrand | FRA |  |  |
| 1028 (3688) | Fundacion Clinica Medica Sur AC * | MEX |  |  |
| 1028 (3688) | Ljubljana University Medical Centre | SVN |  |  |
| 1030 (3693) | Oulu University Hospital | FIN |  |  |
| 1031 (3698) | SYNLAB Group * | MUL |  |  |
| 1032 (3700) | Instituto de Investigacion Biomedica de Malaga | ESP |  |  |
| 1033 (3708) | Health Service Executive | IRL |  |  |
| 1034 (3710) | First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1035 (3713) | Guilin Medical University * | CHN |  |  |
| 1035 (3713) | Ochsner Medical Center-New Orleans | USA |  |  |
| 1035 (3713) | Burnet Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 1035 (3713) | Uppsala University Hospital | SWE |  |  |
| 1039 (3726) | Danderyd University Hospital | SWE |  |  |
| 1040 (3733) | National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases | IND |  |  |
| 1040 (3733) | Sun Yat-sen University Hospital of Stomatology | CHN |  |  |
| 1042 (3736) | Musashino Red Cross Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1042 (3736) | Second Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University-Sheng Jing Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1044 (3748) | Rijnstate Ziekenhuis | NLD |  |  |
| 1045 (3749) | Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute | CZE |  |  |
| 1046 (3752) | Childrens Mercy Hospital | USA |  |  |
| 1047 (3775) | Complejo Hospitalario Virgen de La Victoria | ESP |  |  |
| 1047 (3775) | Hunter Medical Research Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 1049 (3783) | Edith Wolfson Medical Center | ISR |  |  |
| 1050 (3790) | Ministry of National Guard - Health Affairs | SAU |  |  |
| 1051 (3794) | Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Burgos | ESP |  |  |
| 1052 (3796) | Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien | AUT |  |  |
| 1053 (3801) | Kyushu University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1054 (3809) | Shandong Provincial Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1055 (3810) | Osaka Red Cross Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1056 (3813) | Second Affiliated Hospital & Yuying Children's Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1057 (3816) | Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1057 (3816) | Sun Yat-sen University Seventh Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1059 (3826) | Cathay General Hospital | TWN |  |  |
| 1060 (3831) | Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin | USA |  |  |
| 1061 (3833) | University Hospital of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation | GBR |  |  |
| 1062 (3839) | Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre | CAN |  |  |
| 1063 (3843) | Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Fragilidad y Envejecimiento Saludable | ESP |  |  |
| 1064 (3847) | Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins | PER |  |  |
| 1064 (3847) | Hospital de Clinicas Jose de San Martin | ARG |  |  |
| 1066 (3859) | Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza IRCCS | ITA |  |  |
| 1066 (3859) | Onze Lieve Vrouwe Hospital | NLD |  |  |
| 1068 (3862) | Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valladolid | ESP |  |  |
| 1069 (3870) | OU Medicine | USA |  |  |
| 1070 (3871) | Children's Wisconsin | USA |  |  |
| 1070 (3871) | Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1072 (3875) | Health Canada | CAN |  |  |
| 1072 (3875) | Marmara University Hospital | TUR |  |  |
| 1074 (3879) | Shuang Ho Hospital | TWN |  |  |
| 1075 (3894) | Policlinico Tor Vergata | ITA |  |  |
| 1076 (3897) | Hospital Beneficencia Portuguesa de Sao Paulo | BRA |  |  |
| 1077 (3898) | Gachon University Gil Medical Center | KOR |  |  |
| 1078 (3901) | Dankook University Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1079 (3905) | King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah | SAU |  |  |
| 1080 (3907) | Umberto I Policlinico di Roma | ITA |  |  |
| 1081 (3913) | Hanyang University Medical Center | KOR |  |  |
| 1081 (3913) | Hospital General de Mexico Dr Eduardo Liceaga | MEX |  |  |
| 1083 (3918) | MedStar Health * | USA |  |  |
| 1084 (3931) | Consorci Sanitari de Barcelona * | ESP |  |  |
| 1085 (3933) | Northshore University HealthSystem | USA |  |  |
| 1086 (3934) | Centro Medico Teknon | ESP |  |  |
| 1087 (3938) | Azienda Ospedaliera di Parma | ITA |  |  |
| 1088 (3943) | Brooke Army Medical Center | USA |  |  |
| 1089 (3946) | Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario de La Princesa | ESP |  |  |
| 1090 (3953) | Amphia Hospital | NLD |  |  |
| 1090 (3953) | Hospital Universitario La Fe * | ESP |  |  |
| 1092 (3959) | Second Hospital of Shandong University | CHN |  |  |
| 1093 (3963) | Peking University Shenzhen Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1094 (3970) | Sun Yat-sen University Sixth Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1095 (3972) | University General Hospital | CZE |  |  |
| 1095 (3972) | KSA Kantonsspital Aarau | CHE |  |  |
| 1097 (3976) | Tygerberg Hospital | ZAF |  |  |
| 1097 (3976) | Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center | USA |  |  |
| 1099 (3980) | George Institute for Global Health, United Kingdom | GBR |  |  |
| 1099 (3980) | Attikon Athens University Hospital | GRC |  |  |
| 1101 (3984) | Allegheny Health Network | USA |  |  |
| 1102 (3985) | Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares | ESP |  |  |
| 1103 (3988) | Institut Pasteur of Iran | IRN |  |  |
| 1104 (3995) | Jeroen Bosch Hospital | NLD |  |  |
| 1105 (3998) | Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology | JPN |  |  |
| 1106 (4001) | Zhengzhou University People's Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1106 (4001) | Swansea Bay University Health Board | GBR |  |  |
| 1106 (4001) | Changhua Christian Hospital | TWN |  |  |
| 1109 (4007) | University Hospital Kumamoto University | JPN |  |  |
| 1109 (4007) | Universitatsklinikum Giessen und Marburg GmbH Standort Giessen | DEU |  |  |
| 1111 (4009) | Virginia Mason Medical Center | USA |  |  |
| 1112 (4014) | Peking University People's Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1113 (4017) | GHU Paris | FRA |  |  |
| 1114 (4021) | Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio | ITA |  |  |
| 1114 (4021) | Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi | ARE |  |  |
| 1116 (4026) | Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1117 (4029) | Hospital de Amor | BRA |  |  |
| 1118 (4040) | Kyungpook National University Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1119 (4046) | NTT Medical Center Tokyo | JPN |  |  |
| 1120 (4050) | Alberta Children's Hospital | CAN |  |  |
| 1120 (4050) | Balgrist University Hospital | CHE |  |  |
| 1122 (4071) | Xinhua Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1122 (4071) | Instituto Portugues de Oncologia de Francisco Gentil Porto | PRT |  |  |
| 1124 (4077) | Southern California Permanente Medical Group | USA |  |  |
| 1124 (4077) | Catholic Kwandong University International St Mary's Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1126 (4083) | Monash Medical Centre | AUS |  |  |
| 1126 (4083) | Ankara Training and Research Hospital | TUR |  |  |
| 1128 (4089) | Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado * | MEX |  |  |
| 1128 (4089) | The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1130 (4099) | Parc Sanitari de Sant Joan de Deu | ESP |  |  |
| 1131 (4102) | Consejeria de Sanidad de Madrid | ESP |  |  |
| 1131 (4102) | Federal Medical Biological Agency * | RUS |  |  |
| 1133 (4107) | NYC Health + Hospitals Bellevue | USA |  |  |
| 1133 (4107) | University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy | CHE |  |  |
| 1135 (4113) | University of Texas Health Center at Tyler | USA |  |  |
| 1136 (4118) | MedStar Health Research Institute | USA |  |  |
| 1137 (4125) | Sun Yat-sen University Eighth Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1138 (4129) | Azienda Ospedaliera San Gerardo Monza | ITA |  |  |
| 1139 (4130) | E-DA Healthcare Group | TWN |  |  |
| 1140 (4137) | Hospital Galdakao Usansolo | ESP |  |  |
| 1141 (4140) | Children's Hospital of Orange County | USA |  |  |
| 1141 (4140) | Denver Health Medical Center | USA |  |  |
| 1143 (4144) | Townsville University Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 1144 (4147) | Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada | ESP |  |  |
| 1145 (4161) | Nagoya University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1145 (4161) | Centro de Investigacion en Salud Poblacional | MEX |  |  |
| 1147 (4164) | The Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1147 (4164) | Chongqing University Cancer Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1147 (4164) | National Neuroscience Institute | SGP |  |  |
| 1150 (4174) | First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1150 (4174) | Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese | ITA |  |  |
| 1152 (4177) | London North West Healthcare NHS Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1153 (4180) | Heraklion University General Hospital | GRC |  |  |
| 1154 (4184) | Institut d Investigacio Biomedica de Girona Dr Josep Trueta | ESP |  |  |
| 1155 (4187) | Centro de Investigacion en Nutricion y Salud | MEX |  |  |
| 1156 (4190) | Seoul National University Children's Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1157 (4194) | Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega | ESP |  |  |
| 1157 (4194) | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi IRCCS | ITA |  |  |
| 1159 (4197) | Changhai Hospital of Shanghai | CHN |  |  |
| 1160 (4207) | Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1161 (4210) | Complejo Hospitalario de Toledo | ESP |  |  |
| 1161 (4210) | Hospital da Luz | PRT |  |  |
| 1163 (4215) | Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli | ITA |  |  |
| 1164 (4227) | Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1165 (4236) | London Health Sciences Centre | CAN |  |  |
| 1166 (4238) | Second Clinical Hospital of Jilin University | CHN |  |  |
| 1167 (4244) | Institut Claudius Regaud - Centre de Lutte contre le Cancer de Toulouse | FRA |  |  |
| 1168 (4248) | Mengchao Hepatobiliary Hospital of Fujian Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1169 (4256) | Hospital General Universitario Jose Maria Morales Meseguer | ESP |  |  |
| 1170 (4258) | Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Network | USA |  |  |
| 1171 (4263) | Hospital Alemao Oswaldo Cruz | BRA |  |  |
| 1172 (4269) | New York City Health and Hospitals Corp * | USA |  |  |
| 1172 (4269) | Albany Medical Center * | USA |  |  |
| 1174 (4275) | Yongin Severance Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1174 (4275) | Hiroshima University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1176 (4280) | Institut Catala de la Salut Tarragona | ESP |  |  |
| 1176 (4280) | Hospital Regional Universitario de Malaga | ESP |  |  |
| 1178 (4284) | Mater Misericordiae University Hospital | IRL |  |  |
| 1178 (4284) | UMass Memorial Health System | USA |  |  |
| 1180 (4290) | Okayama University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1180 (4290) | Boys Town National Research Hospital | USA |  |  |
| 1182 (4292) | Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand * | NZL |  |  |
| 1183 (4293) | West China Fourth Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1184 (4299) | Fundacao de Medicina Tropical Doutor Heitor Vieira Dourado | BRA |  |  |
| 1185 (4306) | Ospedale Infantile Burlo Garofolo IRCCS | ITA |  |  |
| 1185 (4306) | Kaleida Health * | USA |  |  |
| 1187 (4311) | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nimes | FRA |  |  |
| 1187 (4311) | Norton Hospital | USA |  |  |
| 1189 (4321) | Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation * | TWN |  |  |
| 1189 (4321) | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest | FRA |  |  |
| 1191 (4324) | Medisch Centrum Haaglanden | NLD |  |  |
| 1191 (4324) | International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1193 (4328) | Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII | ESP |  |  |
| 1193 (4328) | Harbor–UCLA Medical Center | USA |  |  |
| 1195 (4334) | University Hospital Hradec Kralove | CZE |  |  |
| 1195 (4334) | Beijing YouAn Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1195 (4334) | Saitama Medical University Saitama International Medical Center | JPN |  |  |
| 1198 (4339) | University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1198 (4339) | Zhongda Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1200 (4343) | Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1201 (4348) | Shaare Zedek Medical Center | ISR |  |  |
| 1202 (4358) | St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton | CAN |  |  |
| 1203 (4362) | Basurtuko Ospitalea | ESP |  |  |
| 1204 (4365) | Robert Bosch Krankenhaus, Germany | DEU |  |  |
| 1205 (4369) | Kuopio University Hospital | FIN |  |  |
| 1206 (4370) | Martini Hospital | NLD |  |  |
| 1207 (4380) | Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg | BEL |  |  |
| 1207 (4380) | Institut d'Investigacio Sanitaria Pere Virgili | ESP |  |  |
| 1209 (4383) | Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine | CZE |  |  |
| 1209 (4383) | Jinling Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1209 (4383) | Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genomica | MEX |  |  |
| 1212 (4386) | Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1212 (4386) | Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo | ESP |  |  |
| 1214 (4396) | Texas Health Dallas | USA |  |  |
| 1215 (4398) | King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh | SAU |  |  |
| 1216 (4399) | Centro Academico de Salud de la Universidad Austral | ARG |  |  |
| 1217 (4400) | Affiliated Nanjing First Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1218 (4406) | Institute of Cardiology | POL |  |  |
| 1219 (4409) | Azienda Sanitaria Ulss 6 Vicenza | ITA |  |  |
| 1219 (4409) | First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University | CHN |  |  |
| 1221 (4423) | Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Fudan University | CHN |  |  |
| 1222 (4430) | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Caen * | FRA |  |  |
| 1223 (4434) | Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba | CAN |  |  |
| 1224 (4436) | Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1225 (4445) | Complexo Hospitalario Universitario a Coruna | ESP |  |  |
| 1226 (4453) | Hebrew SeniorLife | USA |  |  |
| 1227 (4454) | Washington Hospital Center | USA |  |  |
| 1227 (4454) | Chonnam National University Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1229 (4458) | Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre | BRA |  |  |
| 1230 (4461) | Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Salud Mental | ESP |  |  |
| 1231 (4463) | HuaiHe Hospital of Henan University | CHN |  |  |
| 1232 (4465) | E-DA Hospital | TWN |  |  |
| 1233 (4484) | Shanghai Shuguang Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1234 (4487) | Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria Gregorio Maranon | ESP |  |  |
| 1235 (4489) | Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusoh Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1236 (4493) | Hospital Universitario Dr Jose Eleuterio Gonzalez | MEX |  |  |
| 1237 (4497) | Tumour Hospital of Harbin Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1238 (4500) | Linkoping University Hospital | SWE |  |  |
| 1239 (4501) | Hospital de Tortosa Verge de la Cinta | ESP |  |  |
| 1240 (4506) | People's Hospital of Hangzhou Medical College | CHN |  |  |
| 1240 (4506) | Institut Catala de la Salut Metropolitana Sud | ESP |  |  |
| 1242 (4509) | Children's Memorial Health Institute | POL |  |  |
| 1242 (4509) | Neuroscience Research Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 1244 (4515) | Dong A University Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1244 (4515) | Telethon Kids Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 1246 (4522) | Azienda Ospedaliera Sant Andrea | ITA |  |  |
| 1247 (4525) | Arkansas Children's | USA |  |  |
| 1248 (4528) | Tangdu Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1249 (4529) | University Hospital Centre Zagreb | HRV |  |  |
| 1250 (4533) | Hospital Garcia de Orta | PRT |  |  |
| 1251 (4534) | Hopital du Sacre-Coeur de Montreal | CAN |  |  |
| 1252 (4544) | Connecticut Children's Medical Center | USA |  |  |
| 1253 (4550) | Instituto Murciano de Investigacion Biosanitaria Pascual Parrilla | ESP |  |  |
| 1254 (4554) | Institut Catala de la Salut Terres de l'Ebre | ESP |  |  |
| 1255 (4559) | Shinshu University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1255 (4559) | Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital | TWN |  |  |
| 1255 (4559) | Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | CHN |  |  |
| 1258 (4566) | Chonbuk National University Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1259 (4573) | Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Technology | IRN |  |  |
| 1259 (4573) | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims | FRA |  |  |
| 1259 (4573) | Auckland City Hospital | NZL |  |  |
| 1262 (4577) | Black Dog Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 1263 (4584) | Shanghai Fifth People's Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1264 (4588) | Guru Tegh Bahadur Hospital | IND |  |  |
| 1265 (4590) | Longhua Hospital Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | CHN |  |  |
| 1266 (4594) | Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University | CHN |  |  |
| 1267 (4596) | Hospital Universitario Marques de Valdecilla | ESP |  |  |
| 1267 (4596) | Children Medical Center Hospital | IRN |  |  |
| 1269 (4602) | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo * | URY |  |  |
| 1270 (4611) | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Amiens-Picardie | FRA |  |  |
| 1271 (4618) | Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1272 (4622) | Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Leon | ESP |  |  |
| 1273 (4635) | Ajou University Medical Center | KOR |  |  |
| 1274 (4638) | Centro Hospitalar de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro | PRT |  |  |
| 1275 (4643) | Centre Integre Universitaire de Sante et de Services Sociaux de l'Estrie | CAN |  |  |
| 1275 (4643) | Beijing Chaoyang Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1277 (4645) | IRCCS Ospedale Sacro Cuore Don Calabria | ITA |  |  |
| 1278 (4646) | Children's Hospital Fudan University | CHN |  |  |
| 1278 (4646) | Herz- und Diabeteszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen | DEU |  |  |
| 1280 (4648) | Jefferson Health System | USA |  |  |
| 1281 (4654) | Unidade Local de Saude do Algarve | PRT |  |  |
| 1281 (4654) | Universitatsklinikum des Saarlandes | DEU |  |  |
| 1281 (4654) | Carle Foundation Hospital | USA |  |  |
| 1284 (4659) | Fujita Health University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1285 (4663) | Yokohama City University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1286 (4668) | Hospital del Mar | ESP |  |  |
| 1287 (4671) | Hospital Universitario Quironsalud Madrid | ESP |  |  |
| 1288 (4673) | Diakonhjemmet Hospital | NOR |  |  |
| 1289 (4674) | Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1290 (4680) | Western Health | AUS |  |  |
| 1291 (4685) | Grup Pere Mata * | ESP |  |  |
| 1291 (4685) | Douglas Hospital | CAN |  |  |
| 1293 (4690) | Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1294 (4697) | Hospital Moinhos de Vento | BRA |  |  |
| 1295 (4706) | Peking University First Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1296 (4712) | Hartford Hospital | USA |  |  |
| 1297 (4713) | Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center | USA |  |  |
| 1297 (4713) | South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1299 (4715) | Kantonsspital Baden | CHE |  |  |
| 1299 (4715) | Gold Coast University Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 1301 (4719) | First Affiliated Hospital Harbin Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1302 (4722) | Royan Institute | IRN |  |  |
| 1302 (4722) | King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital | THA |  |  |
| 1304 (4730) | Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico | ITA |  |  |
| 1305 (4756) | Kandang Kerbau Women's and Children's Hospital | SGP |  |  |
| 1306 (4764) | University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1307 (4772) | Maasstad Hospital | NLD |  |  |
| 1308 (4781) | Marienhospital Herne | DEU |  |  |
| 1308 (4781) | Women's College Hospital | CAN |  |  |
| 1310 (4794) | Peking University Sixth Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1311 (4802) | Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti | ESP |  |  |
| 1311 (4802) | Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1313 (4806) | Instituto de Investigacion Biomedica de A Coruna | ESP |  |  |
| 1314 (4820) | Care New England Health System * | USA |  |  |
| 1315 (4830) | L’Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale Santi Paolo e Carlo | ITA |  |  |
| 1316 (4833) | Institut de Recerca Biomedica de Lleida | ESP |  |  |
| 1316 (4833) | Tokyo Womens Medical University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1316 (4833) | Orebro University Hospital | SWE |  |  |
| 1319 (4837) | Royal Adelaide Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 1320 (4840) | Uijeongbu St Mary's Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1321 (4846) | Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1322 (4855) | Dubai Health Authority | ARE |  |  |
| 1323 (4863) | Centro Hospitalar Tondela-Viseu | PRT |  |  |
| 1324 (4875) | Gifu University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1325 (4881) | RWJBarnabas Health * | USA |  |  |
| 1325 (4881) | Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1327 (4886) | Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University | CHN |  |  |
| 1328 (4891) | King Saud Medical City | SAU |  |  |
| 1329 (4894) | Royal Darwin Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 1329 (4894) | Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1331 (4898) | First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1332 (4900) | The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University | CHN |  |  |
| 1333 (4904) | General Hospital of Athens Laiko | GRC |  |  |
| 1334 (4906) | Fourth Hospital of Harbin Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1335 (4913) | Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center | KOR |  |  |
| 1336 (4915) | Third Affiliated Daping Hospital to Third Military Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1337 (4920) | Phoenix Children's Hospital | USA |  |  |
| 1338 (4923) | Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1339 (4927) | Instituto Nacional de Cancer, Brazil | BRA |  |  |
| 1339 (4927) | Finnish Institute Occupational Health | FIN |  |  |
| 1339 (4927) | Dermatology Hospital of Southern Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1339 (4927) | Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria del Hospital Clinico San Carlos | ESP |  |  |
| 1343 (4932) | First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1344 (4939) | Instituto Nacional de Pediatria | MEX |  |  |
| 1345 (4941) | Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves | ESP |  |  |
| 1346 (4946) | Montreal General Hospital | CAN |  |  |
| 1346 (4946) | Tawam Hospital | ARE |  |  |
| 1348 (4965) | Institute of Oncology Ljubljana | SVN |  |  |
| 1348 (4965) | Laureate Institute for Brain Research | USA |  |  |
| 1350 (4968) | Women's and Children's Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 1350 (4968) | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint-Etienne | FRA |  |  |
| 1352 (4973) | Institute of Biomedical Chemistry | RUS |  |  |
| 1353 (4989) | Military Medical Academy | SRB |  |  |
| 1353 (4989) | West China Second University Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1355 (4996) | Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofia | ESP |  |  |
| 1355 (4996) | Institut Catala de la Salut Girona | ESP |  |  |
| 1357 (5004) | King Fahad Medical City | SAU |  |  |
| 1358 (5007) | Azienda Usl di Reggio Emilia | ITA |  |  |
| 1359 (5013) | Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1359 (5013) | Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1361 (5017) | Ministry of Health and Population of Egypt | EGY |  |  |
| 1361 (5017) | Instituto Adolfo Lutz | BRA |  |  |
| 1361 (5017) | Instituto do Cancer do Estado de Sao Paulo | BRA |  |  |
| 1361 (5017) | Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences * | CAN |  |  |
| 1365 (5035) | Public Health Foundation of India * | IND |  |  |
| 1365 (5035) | Grupo Vithas * | ESP |  |  |
| 1367 (5044) | Yeouido St Marys Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1368 (5050) | First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1369 (5053) | Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1369 (5053) | Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova | ESP |  |  |
| 1371 (5062) | NYC Health + Hospitals Jacobi | USA |  |  |
| 1372 (5076) | Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1373 (5081) | Pusan National University Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1373 (5081) | Fundacio Institut d'Investigacio Sanitaria Illes Balears | ESP |  |  |
| 1373 (5081) | Centro Hospitalar Universitario de Santo Antonio | PRT |  |  |
| 1376 (5089) | Second Affiliated Hospital Harbin Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1376 (5089) | Chungnam National University Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1378 (5098) | Fenway Institute | USA |  |  |
| 1379 (5101) | Staten Island University Hospital | USA |  |  |
| 1379 (5101) | Epworth HealthCare | AUS |  |  |
| 1381 (5105) | Instituto Nacional de Salud | PER |  |  |
| 1381 (5105) | Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1383 (5108) | ASPETAR - Qatar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital | QAT |  |  |
| 1383 (5108) | Qingdao Municipal Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1385 (5113) | Children's Health Ireland at Crumlin | IRL |  |  |
| 1385 (5113) | Colorado Permanente Medical Group | USA |  |  |
| 1385 (5113) | Geisinger Medical Center | USA |  |  |
| 1388 (5121) | Beaumont Hospital | IRL |  |  |
| 1389 (5129) | Kaiser Permanente Washington | USA |  |  |
| 1390 (5137) | Evaggelismos Hospital | GRC |  |  |
| 1391 (5144) | Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1392 (5148) | Parkland Health and Hospital System | USA |  |  |
| 1392 (5148) | Zhongshan Hospital Xiamen University | CHN |  |  |
| 1392 (5148) | Charite Campus Buch | DEU |  |  |
| 1395 (5154) | Affiliated Provincial Hospital of Anhui Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1396 (5162) | Yokohama City University Medical Center | JPN |  |  |
| 1397 (5171) | Detroit Medical Center | USA |  |  |
| 1397 (5171) | Orygen Youth Health | AUS |  |  |
| 1399 (5182) | Instituto Nacional de Saude Dr Ricardo Jorge | PRT |  |  |
| 1399 (5182) | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | TUN |  |  |
| 1401 (5187) | Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Dongfang Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1402 (5192) | Institut Mutualiste Montsouris | FRA |  |  |
| 1403 (5202) | Baycrest Health Sciences * | CAN |  |  |
| 1403 (5202) | Baystate Health System | USA |  |  |
| 1405 (5210) | Konkuk University Medical Center | KOR |  |  |
| 1406 (5214) | Galway University Hospitals | IRL |  |  |
| 1407 (5215) | University of Colorado Hospital | USA |  |  |
| 1407 (5215) | Kansai Rosai Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1409 (5221) | Institute of Mental Health | SGP |  |  |
| 1409 (5221) | Universitatsklinikum Halle | DEU |  |  |
| 1411 (5229) | FSBI National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after NN Blokhin | RUS |  |  |
| 1412 (5238) | Nagasaki University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1413 (5244) | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health | CAN |  |  |
| 1414 (5247) | Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital | TWN |  |  |
| 1414 (5247) | Unidade Local de Saude de Matosinhos | PRT |  |  |
| 1416 (5250) | Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation | NLD |  |  |
| 1417 (5256) | Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz UKM | MYS |  |  |
| 1418 (5257) | Miriam Hospital | USA |  |  |
| 1419 (5261) | Affiliated Suzhou Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1419 (5261) | Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1421 (5264) | Kangwon National University Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1422 (5266) | National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after NF Gamaleya * | RUS |  |  |
| 1423 (5274) | Tallaght University Hospital | IRL |  |  |
| 1423 (5274) | Vejle Hospital | DNK |  |  |
| 1425 (5279) | IRCCS Associazione Oasi Maria SS | ITA |  |  |
| 1426 (5291) | Institut Catala de la Salut Lleida | ESP |  |  |
| 1426 (5291) | Tokyo Medical University Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1428 (5303) | Universitatsklinikum Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum | DEU |  |  |
| 1428 (5303) | Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Health Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1430 (5306) | Women and Infants Hospital of Rhode Island | USA |  |  |
| 1431 (5307) | Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1432 (5316) | Hillel Yaffe Medical Center | ISR |  |  |
| 1433 (5320) | MetroHealth System | USA |  |  |
| 1434 (5325) | Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria Biocruces Bizkaia | ESP |  |  |
| 1435 (5328) | The Second Hospital of Nanjing Affiliated to Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine | CHN |  |  |
| 1435 (5328) | Berufsgenossenschaftliches Universitatsklinikum Bergmannsheil GmbH | DEU |  |  |
| 1437 (5336) | Beijing Anzhen Hospital | CHN |  |  |
| 1438 (5341) | Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus * | ESP |  |  |
| 1439 (5343) | The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1440 (5360) | Universitaren Psychiatrischen Kliniken Basel | CHE |  |  |
| 1441 (5365) | LWL-Universitatsklinikum Bochum der Ruhr Universitat Bochum | DEU |  |  |
| 1442 (5369) | Northwest Permanente | USA |  |  |
| 1443 (5375) | Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences | IND |  |  |
| 1444 (5392) | Spectrum Health | USA |  |  |
| 1445 (5398) | Toho University Ohashi Medical Center | JPN |  |  |
| 1446 (5404) | University Hospital Brno | CZE |  |  |
| 1447 (5407) | Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1448 (5411) | Consorci Corporaci Sanitaria Parc Tauli * | ESP |  |  |
| 1448 (5411) | Klinikum Stuttgart | DEU |  |  |
| 1448 (5411) | Uganda Ministry of Health | UGA |  |  |
| 1451 (5415) | Centro Medico ABC | MEX |  |  |
| 1451 (5415) | Rochester Regional Health | USA |  |  |
| 1453 (5421) | National Institute of Public Health of Japan | JPN |  |  |
| 1453 (5421) | Rotman Research Institute | CAN |  |  |
| 1455 (5425) | North York General Hospital | CAN |  |  |
| 1456 (5429) | Beaumont Health System | USA |  |  |
| 1456 (5429) | Hospital Universitario Austral | ARG |  |  |
| 1458 (5435) | GenesisCare * | MUL |  |  |
| 1459 (5440) | Hamad General Hospital | QAT |  |  |
| 1460 (5441) | Ministere de la Sante * | MAR |  |  |
| 1460 (5441) | Grady Health | USA |  |  |
| 1462 (5451) | Stomatological Hospital of Chongqing Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1462 (5451) | Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel | ISR |  |  |
| 1464 (5463) | Wuxi No 2 People's Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1465 (5473) | Kantonsspital Baselland | CHE |  |  |
| 1466 (5478) | Inje University Haeundae-Paik Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1467 (5481) | Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1468 (5498) | Sint Maartenskliniek | NLD |  |  |
| 1469 (5504) | Mansoura University Hospitals | EGY |  |  |
| 1469 (5504) | Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital | TWN |  |  |
| 1471 (5506) | Tumor Hospital of Guangxi Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1471 (5506) | Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University | CHN |  |  |
| 1473 (5519) | Cheng Hsin General Hospital | TWN |  |  |
| 1474 (5529) | Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez | MEX |  |  |
| 1475 (5541) | Osaka Police Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1475 (5541) | Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital | JPN |  |  |
| 1475 (5541) | Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders | CHN |  |  |
| 1478 (5546) | Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia Ignacio Chavez | MEX |  |  |
| 1478 (5546) | King Abdulaziz Medical City, Jeddah | SAU |  |  |
| 1480 (5552) | Mount Auburn Hospital | USA |  |  |
| 1480 (5552) | GenesisCare, Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 1480 (5552) | Ministry of Health | KWT |  |  |
| 1480 (5552) | Fraser Health Authority | CAN |  |  |
| 1484 (5572) | Hospital Universitario Pedro Ernesto | BRA |  |  |
| 1485 (5575) | Chungbuk National University Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1486 (5579) | Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria Galicia Sur * | ESP |  |  |
| 1486 (5579) | Complejo Hospitalario San Pedro Hospital De La Rioja | ESP |  |  |
| 1488 (5584) | Hospital Universitario Son Espases | ESP |  |  |
| 1489 (5590) | National Medical Products Administration | CHN |  |  |
| 1489 (5590) | St. Vincent's Hospital | KOR |  |  |
| 1491 (5598) | Saitama Medical University Saitama Medical Center | JPN |  |  |
| 1491 (5598) | Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1491 (5598) | Kyung Hee University Medical Center | KOR |  |  |
| 1494 (5603) | University Hospital of Larissa | GRC |  |  |
| 1495 (5609) | Escuela Andaluza de Salud Publica | ESP |  |  |
| 1496 (5614) | National Institute of Epidemiology | IND |  |  |
| 1497 (5629) | University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust | GBR |  |  |
| 1498 (5639) | General University Hospital of Patras | GRC |  |  |
| 1499 (5645) | Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Nanjing Medical University | CHN |  |  |
| 1499 (5645) | Hospital for Tropical Diseases * | VNM |  |  |