Percentage of documents with some author with more than one academic affiliations

2024 Edition - Period 2018-2022


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1Shoenfeld Y.14029048.28Tel Aviv University
2Malomed B.A.11919162.30Tel Aviv University
3Goldschmidt A.919397.85Tel Aviv University
4Citron Z.H.8212764.57Weizmann Institute of Science
5Shelah S.7610274.51Hebrew University of Jerusalem
6Hod S.5555100.00Hadassah Academic College; Ruppin Academic Center
7Weisburd D.L.546188.52Hebrew University of Jerusalem
8Watad A.5414337.76Tel Aviv University
9Citron Z.H.5129417.35Weizmann Institute of Science
10Twig G.436764.18Tel Aviv University
11Alon N.435184.31Tel Aviv University
12Meyerstein D.414689.13Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
13Atzmon G.374582.22University of Haifa
14Gibali A.376656.06ORT Braude College
15Bitan D.T.366159.02Ariel University
16Ben-David B.353794.59Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
17Kaminer I.3423614.41Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
18Brezis H.3131100.00Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
19Lellouch D.3129510.51Weizmann Institute of Science
20Ginzburg P.308734.48Tel Aviv University
21Levin E.293096.67Tel Aviv University
22Ellen M.273577.14Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
23Levin N.273381.82Hebrew University of Jerusalem
24Procaccia I.264261.90Weizmann Institute of Science
25Glassberg E.264459.09Bar-Ilan University
26Yakhini Z.242982.76Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
27Livshits G.243177.42Tel Aviv University
28Dekel A.244948.98Hebrew University of Jerusalem
29Havlin S.249226.09Bar-Ilan University
30Ceder A.(.232688.46Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
31Rogachevskii I.232979.31Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
32Haik J.222588.00Tel Aviv University
33Seligmann H.223857.89Hebrew University of Jerusalem
34Benary O.2218511.89Tel Aviv University
35Bachner-Melman R.222588.00Ruppin Academic Center
36Shohat N.226434.38Tel Aviv University
37Clarfield A.M.213658.33Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
38Marciano H.212680.77Tel-Hai College
39Cahen D.207825.64Weizmann Institute of Science
40Nakash O.203557.14Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
41Dopelt K.2020100.00Ashkelon Academic College; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
42Gal K.204445.45Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
43Goldenberg-Cohen N.202871.43Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
44Zeitouni O.193850.00Weizmann Institute of Science
45Been E.192382.61Ono Academic College
46Krivoy A.193357.58Tel Aviv University
47Ornoy A.184341.86Hebrew University of Jerusalem
48Amir O.186527.69Bar-Ilan University
49Gill R.182378.26Open University of Israel
50Stern A.182572.00Ben-Gurion University of the Negev