| 1 (25) | Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence | USA |  |
| 2 (187) | Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence | CAN |  |
| 3 (248) | Centres de Recerca de Catalunya * | ESP |  |
| 4 (357) | Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence | CHN |  |
| 5 (386) | Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory | CHN |  |
| 6 (408) | Canadian Institute for Advanced Research | CAN |  |
| 7 (413) | Samsung Advanced Institute Technology | KOR |  |
| 8 (460) | Qatar Foundation * | QAT |  |
| 9 (547) | Instituto de Telecomunicacoes | PRT |  |
| 10 (597) | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | ITA |  |
| 11 (617) | Kavli Foundation | USA |  |
| 12 (633) | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics | CHE |  |
| 13 (748) | Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science | PRT |  |
| 14 (753) | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia * | ITA |  |
| 15 (808) | National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture | CHN |  |
| 16 (852) | Norwegian Research Centre | NOR |  |
| 17 (899) | Obra Social Fundacion La Caixa | ESP |  |
| 18 (975) | United Nations * | MUL |  |
| 19 (999) | SRI International | USA |  |
| 20 (1051) | Ikerbasque-Basque Foundation for Science * | ESP |  |
| 21 (1113) | CGIAR Consortium of International Agricultural Research * | MUL |  |
| 22 (1152) | Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences * | CHN |  |
| 23 (1162) | Dutch Scientific Research Institutes * | NLD |  |
| 24 (1278) | Simons Foundation | USA |  |
| 25 (1403) | Shandong Computer Science Center | CHN |  |
| 26 (1460) | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | MUL |  |
| 27 (1692) | Rede de Quimica e Tecnologia | PRT |  |
| 28 (1717) | National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team | CHN |  |
| 29 (1802) | Flanders Make | BEL |  |
| 30 (1850) | Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores - Investigacao e Desenvolvimento | PRT |  |
| 31 (1955) | Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores * | PRT |  |
| 32 (2123) | Shanghai Institute of Technology | CHN |  |
| 33 (2376) | Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology * | KOR |  |
| 34 (2499) | Santa Fe Institute | USA |  |
| 35 (2671) | Xi'an Research Institute of High Technology | CHN |  |
| 36 (2858) | MITRE Corp * | MUL |  |
| 37 (2891) | Associate Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems * | PRT |  |
| 38 (2895) | Academic Center for Education Culture and Research * | IRN |  |
| 39 (2915) | Consorcio Centro de Investigacion e Tecnoloxia Matematica de Galicia | ESP |  |
| 40 (3176) | Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering | PRT |  |
| 41 (3304) | Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra | PRT |  |
| 42 (3474) | Center for Health Technology and Services Research | PRT |  |
| 43 (3519) | Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology | CHN |  |
| 44 (3555) | Uniao Brasileira de Educacao e Assistencia * | BRA |  |
| 45 (3723) | Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie * | BRA |  |
| 46 (3868) | Ronin Institute | USA |  |
| 47 (4152) | Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Control and Management | CHN |  |
| 48 (4276) | Xi'an Institute of Applied Optics | CHN |  |