| 1 (174) | Finnish Geospatial Research Institute | FIN |  |
| 2 (292) | Finnish Meteorological Institute | FIN |  |
| 3 (562) | Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research | NOR |  |
| 4 (569) | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute | SWE |  |
| 5 (671) | Cosmic Dawn Center | DNK |  |
| 6 (790) | Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research | NOR |  |
| 7 (857) | VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland | FIN |  |
| 8 (982) | Institute of Marine Research | NOR |  |
| 9 (1010) | Finnish Environment Institute | FIN |  |
| 10 (1123) | Norwegian Polar Institute | NOR |  |
| 11 (1136) | Natural Resources Institute Finland | FIN |  |
| 12 (1345) | The Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics | SWE |  |
| 13 (1505) | Norwegian Institute for Nature Research | NOR |  |
| 14 (1532) | Geological Survey of Finland | FIN |  |
| 15 (1570) | Norwegian Geotechnical Institute | NOR |  |
| 16 (1585) | Norwegian Institute for Air Research | NOR |  |
| 17 (1686) | Swedish Museum of Natural History | SWE |  |
| 18 (1911) | Norwegian Institute for Water Research | NOR |  |
| 19 (2047) | Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland | DNK |  |
| 20 (2067) | Onsala Space Observatory | SWE |  |
| 21 (2150) | Stockholm Environment Institute | SWE |  |
| 22 (2376) | Swedish Research Council * | SWE |  |
| 23 (2548) | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden * | SWE |  |
| 24 (2898) | Swedish Institute of Space Physics | SWE |  |
| 25 (2960) | Helsinki Institute of Physics | FIN |  |