| 1 (62) | Institute of Marine Research | NOR | |
| 2 (77) | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | NOR | |
| 3 (96) | University of Gothenburg | SWE | |
| 4 (112) | Stockholm University * | SWE | |
| 5 (124) | University of Tromso - The Arctic University of Norway | NOR | |
| 6 (131) | University of Oslo | NOR | |
| 7 (137) | Technical University of Denmark | DNK | |
| 8 (147) | University of Bergen | NOR | |
| 9 (178) | Uppsala University | SWE | |
| 10 (182) | Aarhus University * | DNK | |
| 11 (209) | University of Helsinki | FIN | |
| 12 (233) | Swedish Museum of Natural History | SWE | |
| 13 (243) | Norwegian Institute for Nature Research | NOR | |
| 14 (254) | Norwegian Institute for Water Research | NOR | |
| 15 (267) | SINTEF Group * | NOR | |
| 16 (286) | University of Copenhagen | DNK | |
| 17 (289) | Norwegian Polar Institute | NOR | |
| 18 (302) | Lunds University | SWE | |
| 19 (343) | Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research | NOR | |
| 20 (398) | Finnish Meteorological Institute | FIN | |
| 21 (418) | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | SWE | |
| 22 (433) | Umea University * | SWE | |
| 23 (436) | Finnish Environment Institute | FIN | |
| 24 (457) | University of Southern Denmark | DNK | |
| 25 (462) | Norwegian Research Centre | NOR | |
| 26 (581) | Norwegian Geotechnical Institute | NOR | |
| 27 (601) | University of Iceland | ISL | |
| 28 (611) | University of Agder | NOR | |
| 29 (642) | University Centre in Svalbard | NOR | |
| 30 (662) | Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland | DNK | |
| 31 (665) | Nord University | NOR | |
| 32 (666) | Royal Institute of Technology * | SWE | |
| 33 (688) | Abo Academy University | FIN | |
| 34 (713) | University of Oulu | FIN | |
| 35 (797) | University of Stavanger | NOR | |
| 36 (837) | University of South-Eastern Norway | NOR | |