| 1 (628) | Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation | RUS |  |
| 2 (759) | I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | RUS |  |
| 3 (1244) | Saint Petersburg State University | RUS |  |
| 4 (1291) | Russian Academy of Sciences * | RUS |  |
| 5 (1605) | Lomonosov Moscow State University | RUS |  |
| 6 (1668) | Samara State Medical University | RUS |  |
| 7 (1808) | State University - Higher School of Economics | RUS |  |
| 8 (1822) | Federal Medical Biological Agency * | RUS |  |
| 9 (1934) | FSBI Mental Health Research Centre | RUS |  |
| 10 (1984) | Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University | RUS |  |
| 11 (2027) | Bashkir State Medical University | RUS |  |
| 12 (2045) | Serbsky National Medical Research Centre of Psychiatry and Narcology | RUS |  |
| 13 (2058) | Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education | RUS |  |
| 14 (2217) | Belgorod State University | RUS |  |
| 15 (2341) | St Petersburg Pavlov State Medical University | RUS |  |
| 16 (2352) | Research Center of Neurology | RUS |  |
| 17 (2354) | Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences | RUS |  |
| 18 (2382) | EA Wagner Perm State Medical University | RUS |  |
| 19 (2440) | Peoples'Friendship University of Russia | RUS |  |
| 20 (2462) | Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry | RUS |  |
| 21 (2470) | Almazov National Medical Research Centre | RUS |  |
| 22 (2474) | Siberian State Medical University | RUS |  |
| 23 (2491) | North-Western State Medical University | RUS |  |
| 24 (2496) | Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University | RUS |  |
| 25 (2500) | Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute MF Vladimirsky MONIKI | RUS |  |
| 26 (2505) | Kazan State Medical University | RUS |  |
| 27 (2509) | Research Centre for Medical Genetics | RUS |  |
| 28 (2514) | Kirov Military Medical Academy | RUS |  |
| 29 (2515) | Institute for Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology Russian Academy of Science | RUS |  |