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13 ranked institutions
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1 (123)UK Research and Innovation *GBRGovernment
2 (462)Kavli Institute for CosmologyGBRGovernment
3 (502)Science and Technology Facilities CouncilGBRGovernment
4 (550)Natural Environment Research CouncilGBRGovernment
5 (568)Alan Turing InstituteGBRGovernment
6 (593)Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryGBRGovernment
7 (606)National Physical LaboratoryGBRGovernment
8 (842)UK Astronomy Technology CentreGBRGovernment
9 (1026)Diamond Light SourceGBRGovernment
10 (1766)Culham Centre for Fusion EnergyGBRGovernment
11 (1994)Daresbury LaboratoryGBRGovernment
12 (2126)ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, RALGBRGovernment
13 (2663)The Maxwell Institute for Mathematical SciencesGBRGovernment