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14 ranked institutions
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1 (46)The University of Queensland *AUSUniversity
2 (53)The University of AdelaideAUSUniversity
3 (60)The University of Western AustraliaAUSUniversity
4 (61)University of OtagoNZLUniversity
5 (66)University of Melbourne *AUSUniversity
6 (107)University of Sydney *AUSUniversity
7 (253)Griffith UniversityAUSUniversity
8 (557)Sydney Local Health District *AUSHealth
9 (633)University of New South Wales *AUSUniversity
10 (652)La Trobe University *AUSUniversity
11 (679)James Cook University *AUSUniversity
12 (716)Royal Melbourne HospitalAUSHealth
13 (894)Women's and Children's HospitalAUSHealth
14 (927)Curtin University *AUSUniversity