1870 ranked institutions
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1 (1)Chinese Academy of Sciences *CHNGovernmentQ1
2 (3)Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of ChinaCHNGovernmentQ1
3 (4)Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique *FRAGovernmentQ1
4 (16)Helmholtz Gemeinschaft *DEUGovernmentQ1
5 (27)Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas *ESPGovernmentQ1
6 (36)National Center for Biotechnology InformationUSAGovernmentQ1
7 (66)United States Department of AgricultureUSAGovernmentQ1
8 (78)Russian Academy of Sciences *RUSGovernmentQ1
9 (81)Max Planck Gesellschaft *DEUGovernmentQ1
10 (91)Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche *ITAGovernmentQ1
11 (97)Leibniz Gemeinschaft *DEUGovernmentQ1
12 (108)National Aeronautics and Space Administration *USAGovernmentQ1
13 (111)Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas *ARGGovernmentQ1
14 (131)National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationUSAGovernmentQ1
15 (151)United States Geological SurveyUSAGovernmentQ1
16 (153)European Commission *MULGovernmentQ1
17 (162)Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement *FRAGovernmentQ1
18 (198)Environment CanadaCANGovernmentQ1
19 (227)Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUSAGovernmentQ1
20 (228)US Food and Drug AdministrationUSAGovernmentQ1
21 (252)Smithsonian Institution *USAGovernmentQ1
22 (254)Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaCANGovernmentQ1
23 (262)Met OfficeGBRGovernmentQ1
24 (279)National Research Council Canada *CANGovernmentQ1
25 (282)Meteo-France *FRAGovernmentQ1
26 (301)US Environmental Protection AgencyUSAGovernmentQ1
27 (304)Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsUSAGovernmentQ1
28 (306)Junta de Andalucia *MULGovernmentQ1
29 (323)NASA Goddard Institute for Space StudiesUSAGovernmentQ1
30 (326)Generalitat de Catalunya *MULGovernmentQ1
31 (343)New South Wales Department of Primary Industries *AUSGovernmentQ1
32 (360)Singapore-MIT AllianceSGPGovernmentQ1
33 (375)Council of Scientific and Industrial Research *INDGovernmentQ1
34 (401)Smithsonian National Museum of Natural HistoryUSAGovernmentQ1
35 (404)Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones TropicalesPANGovernmentQ1
36 (409)Bureau of Meteorology *AUSGovernmentQ1
37 (416)Japan Meteorological AgencyJPNGovernmentQ1
38 (418)SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryUSAGovernmentQ1
39 (419)U.S. Department of Energy *USAGovernmentQ1
39 (419)Polish Academy of Sciences *POLGovernmentQ1
41 (438)Smithsonian Conservation Biology InstituteUSAGovernmentQ1
42 (442)Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterUSAGovernmentQ1
43 (458)Indian Council of Agricultural Research *INDGovernmentQ1
44 (459)Japan Science & Technology AgencyJPNGovernmentQ1
45 (474)Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologias *MEXGovernmentQ1
46 (485)Instituto Portugues do Mar e da AtmosferaPRTGovernmentQ1
47 (487)Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle *FRAGovernmentQ1
48 (513)National Institute of Standards and Technology *USAGovernmentQ1
49 (537)Generalitat Valenciana *MULGovernmentQ1
50 (549)Natural History Museum LondonGBRGovernmentQ1
51 (550)Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria *BRAGovernmentQ1
52 (569)Ministry of AgricultureCHNGovernmentQ1
53 (572)Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und RohstoffeDEUGovernmentQ1
54 (587)Secretaria General de l'Esport *ESPGovernmentQ1
55 (588)Institut Nacional d'Educacio Fisica de CatalunyaESPGovernmentQ1
56 (593)Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement *MULGovernmentQ1
57 (595)Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives *FRAGovernmentQ1
58 (604)European Space Agency *MULGovernmentQ1
59 (624)Department of Science and TechnologyPHLGovernmentQ1
60 (627)Robert Koch InstitutDEUGovernmentQ1
60 (627)Finnish Meteorological InstituteFINGovernmentQ1
60 (627)Fraunhofer Gesellschaft *DEUGovernmentQ1
63 (642)National Institute of InformaticsJPNGovernmentQ1
64 (652)Indian Space Research Organization *INDGovernmentQ1
65 (678)Gujarat Pollution Control BoardINDGovernmentQ1
66 (692)American Museum of Natural HistoryUSAGovernmentQ1
67 (708)National Center for Atmospheric ResearchUSAGovernmentQ1
68 (714)Natural Environment Research Council *GBRGovernmentQ1
69 (722)United States Fish and Wildlife ServiceUSAGovernmentQ1
70 (728)Royal Netherlands Meteorological InstituteNLDGovernmentQ1
71 (735)Deutsches KrebsforschungszentrumDEUGovernmentQ1
72 (742)Federal Reserve SystemUSAGovernmentQ1
73 (747)Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic *CZEGovernmentQ1
74 (750)Xunta de Galicia *MULGovernmentQ1
75 (755)European Central BankDEUGovernmentQ1
76 (758)Natural Resources CanadaCANGovernmentQ1
76 (758)Ajuntament de Barcelona *ESPGovernmentQ1
78 (762)Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias *ESPGovernmentQ1
79 (770)National Renewable Energy LaboratoryUSAGovernmentQ1
80 (772)Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory *USAGovernmentQ1
81 (776)Kavli Institute for CosmologyGBRGovernmentQ1
82 (782)Instituto de Fisica CorpuscularESPGovernmentQ1
83 (788)Comunidad de Madrid *ESPGovernmentQ1
84 (811)Joint Institute for Laboratory AstrophysicsUSAGovernmentQ1
85 (826)Academia Sinica *TWNGovernmentQ1
86 (843)Comision de Investigaciones Cientificas *ARGGovernmentQ1
87 (865)Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Pascual Vila CSESPGovernmentQ1
88 (874)HealthPartners Research FoundationUSAGovernmentQ2
89 (884)Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological InstituteSWEGovernmentQ1
89 (884)Gobierno de Navarra *ESPGovernmentQ1
91 (903)Conselleria do Medio Rural OurenseESPGovernmentQ1
92 (905)Institut de Diagnosi Ambiental i Estudis de l'AiguaESPGovernmentQ1
93 (906)Infrared Processing and Analysis CenterUSAGovernmentQ1
94 (908)Joint Quantum InstituteUSAGovernmentQ1
95 (911)Centre Mediterrani d'Investigacions Marines i Ambientals CSESPGovernmentQ1
96 (913)Institut de Ciencies del Mar ESPGovernmentQ1
97 (917)Tubitak Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey *TURGovernmentQ1
97 (917)Institut de Systematique, Evolution, BiodiversiteFRAGovernmentQ1
97 (917)Deutscher WetterdienstDEUGovernmentQ1
100 (942)Estacion Biologica de DonanaESPGovernmentQ1
100 (942)National Astronomical Observatory of Japan *JPNGovernmentQ1
102 (947)European Bioinformatics Institute EMBLGBRGovernmentQ1
103 (959)Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaITAGovernmentQ1
103 (959)RIKEN-Institute of Physical and Chemical ResearchJPNGovernmentQ1
105 (962)Biologie des Organismes et Ecosystemes AquatiquesFRAGovernmentQ1
105 (962)Museo Nacional de Ciencias NaturalesESPGovernmentQ1
107 (967)Marmara Research CenterTURGovernmentQ1
108 (977)Max Planck Institut fur BiogeochemieDEUGovernmentQ1
108 (977)Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
110 (982)Hungarian Academy of Sciences *HUNGovernmentQ1
111 (988)Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del EspacioARGGovernmentQ1
112 (1001)Max Planck Institut fur Evolutionare AnthropologieDEUGovernmentQ1
113 (1005)Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement *FRAGovernmentQ1
114 (1008)Centre de Recherche en PaleontologieFRAGovernmentQ1
115 (1010)Centro Nacional de BiotecnologiaESPGovernmentQ1
116 (1013)Junta de Castilla y Leon *MULGovernmentQ1
117 (1014)Histoire Naturelle de l'Homme PrehistoriqueFRAGovernmentQ1
117 (1014)Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia ESPGovernmentQ1
119 (1029)Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und RaumfahrtDEUGovernmentQ1
120 (1030)Centro de Edafologia y Biologia Aplicada del SeguraESPGovernmentQ1
120 (1030)Institut Mondor de Recherche BiomedicaleFRAGovernmentQ1
122 (1032)National Institute for Environmental StudiesJPNGovernmentQ1
122 (1032)U.S. Air ForceUSAGovernmentQ2
124 (1036)Centro Cientifico Tecnologico de CordobaARGGovernmentQ1
125 (1045)Ministere de la Culture et de la Communication *FRAGovernmentQ1
126 (1050)Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas ESPGovernmentQ1
126 (1050)Instituto de Quimica-Fisica RocasolanoESPGovernmentQ1
128 (1063)Centre d'Estudis Avancats de BlanesESPGovernmentQ1
129 (1066)Instituto de Agroquimica y Tecnologia de Alimentos ESPGovernmentQ1
129 (1066)Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha Ciudad RealESPGovernmentQ1
131 (1068)Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas Margarita SalasESPGovernmentQ1
132 (1071)Centro de Quimica Organica Manuel Lora Tamayo CSESPGovernmentQ1
133 (1076)Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales CSESPGovernmentQ1
133 (1076)Royal Botanic Gardens KewGBRGovernmentQ1
135 (1081)Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive MontpellierFRAGovernmentQ1
136 (1082)Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de MadridESPGovernmentQ1
136 (1082)Max Planck Institut fur Chemische OkologieDEUGovernmentQ1
138 (1086)Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible ESPGovernmentQ1
139 (1090)International Atomic Energy AgencyAUTGovernmentQ1
140 (1093)Estacion Experimental del Zaidin ESPGovernmentQ1
140 (1093)Centre d'Epidemiologie et de Recherche en Sante des POPulations de ToulouseFRAGovernmentQ1
142 (1098)Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia ESPGovernmentQ1
143 (1106)Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Alimentos y NutricionESPGovernmentQ1
143 (1106)Max Planck Institut fur Biologie TubingenDEUGovernmentQ1
145 (1109)Centro de Fisica Miguel Antonio Catalan CSESPGovernmentQ1
146 (1112)Centre International de Recherche en InfectiologieFRAGovernmentQ1
147 (1113)Instituto de Catalisis y Petroleoquimica ESPGovernmentQ1
148 (1117)Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia de SevillaESPGovernmentQ1
149 (1122)Institut de Ciencies de l'EspaiESPGovernmentQ1
149 (1122)Institut de Quimica Avancada de CatalunyaESPGovernmentQ1
149 (1122)Instituto de Productos Naturales y Agrobiologia ESPGovernmentQ1
149 (1122)Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des ParticulesFRAGovernmentQ1
149 (1122)Centro Cientifico Tecnologico La PlataARGGovernmentQ1
154 (1136)Instituto de la Grasa de SevillaESPGovernmentQ1
155 (1137)Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia de PolimerosESPGovernmentQ1
156 (1144)Instituto de Fisica de la PlataARGGovernmentQ1
156 (1144)Max Planck Institut fur Medizinische ForschungDEUGovernmentQ1
158 (1150)Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council *GBRGovernmentQ1
158 (1150)Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences *CHNGovernmentQ1
158 (1150)Instituto de Investigaciones FisicoQuimicas, Teoricas y AplicadasARGGovernmentQ1
161 (1155)Fisheries and Oceans Canada *CANGovernmentQ1
162 (1156)Institut de Microelectronica de BarcelonaESPGovernmentQ1
163 (1158)Instituto de Ceramica y Vidrio ESPGovernmentQ1
163 (1158)Instituto de Estructura de la MateriaESPGovernmentQ1
165 (1162)United States Agency for International Development *MULGovernmentQ2
166 (1164)Instituto de Fisica FundamentalESPGovernmentQ1
167 (1169)Institut d'Investigacio en Intelligencia Artificial ESPGovernmentQ1
168 (1176)Defence Research and Development OrganisationINDGovernmentQ1
169 (1186)Institut de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences de ParisFRAGovernmentQ1
170 (1192)Centro de Biotecnologia y Genomica de PlantasESPGovernmentQ1
171 (1193)Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico *MEXGovernmentQ1
172 (1194)Instituto Regional de Investigacion y Desarrollo Agroalimentario y Forestal de Castilla La ManchaESPGovernmentQ1
173 (1205)Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de ChizeFRAGovernmentQ1
174 (1217)European Centre for Medium-Range Weather ForecastsGBRGovernmentQ1
175 (1228)Gobierno de Aragon *MULGovernmentQ1
176 (1246)Imagerie et CerveauFRAGovernmentQ1
177 (1250)Institut National des Sciences de l'UniversFRAGovernmentQ1
178 (1254)Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert CurienFRAGovernmentQ1
179 (1260)Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo OchoaESPGovernmentQ1
180 (1263)Laboratoire Evolution et Diversite BiologiqueFRAGovernmentQ1
181 (1268)Instituto de Investigaciones en Fisicoquimica de CordobaARGGovernmentQ1
182 (1275)Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJPNGovernmentQ1
183 (1277)Helmholtz Zentrum fur UmweltforschungDEUGovernmentQ1
184 (1285)Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la BiosphereFRAGovernmentQ1
185 (1287)National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & TechnologyJPNGovernmentQ1
186 (1295)Ministerio de Defensa *MULGovernmentQ2
187 (1307)Laboratoire d'Oceanologie et de GeosciencesFRAGovernmentQ1
188 (1314)Institut de Genomique FonctionnelleFRAGovernmentQ1
189 (1315)US National Science Foundation *USAGovernmentQ2
190 (1317)Institut NeelFRAGovernmentQ1
191 (1321)Institut de Chimie des Substances NaturellesFRAGovernmentQ1
192 (1324)Laboratoire de Genie Chimique de ToulouseFRAGovernmentQ1
193 (1327)Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement FranceFRAGovernmentQ1
194 (1328)Laboratoire de Reactions et Genie des ProcedesFRAGovernmentQ1
194 (1328)Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas Sols-MorrealeESPGovernmentQ1
196 (1332)Institut de Chimie et des Materiaux Paris-EstFRAGovernmentQ1
197 (1334)Instituto Geografico Nacional *ESPGovernmentQ1
198 (1339)Institut de Chimie de la Matiere Condensee de BordeauxFRAGovernmentQ1
199 (1345)Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche et d'Ingenierie des MateriauxFRAGovernmentQ1
200 (1351)Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Bahia BlancaARGGovernmentQ1
201 (1364)Agency for Science, Technology and Research Singapore *SGPGovernmentQ1
202 (1374)Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Patagonia NorteARGGovernmentQ1
203 (1378)Instituto de Investigacion en Biodiversidad y MedioambienteARGGovernmentQ1
204 (1382)Max Planck Institut fur MeteorologieDEUGovernmentQ1
205 (1385)European Organization for Nuclear ResearchCHEGovernmentQ2
206 (1386)Pacific Northwest National Laboratory *USAGovernmentQ1
207 (1391)Centro Cientifico Tecnologico de Santa FeARGGovernmentQ1
208 (1397)Bulgarian Academy of Sciences *BGRGovernmentQ1
209 (1414)Oak Ridge National LaboratoryUSAGovernmentQ1
209 (1414)German Cancer ConsortiumDEUGovernmentQ1
211 (1426)Centro Cientifico Tecnologico MendozaARGGovernmentQ1
212 (1433)Centro Nacional PatagonicoARGGovernmentQ2
213 (1435)Missouri Botanical GardenUSAGovernmentQ2
213 (1435)Centro Cientifico Tecnologico NOA SurARGGovernmentQ1
213 (1435)Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare *ITAGovernmentQ1
216 (1447)Science and Technology Facilities Council *GBRGovernmentQ1
217 (1450)Centro Cientifico Tecnologico San LuisARGGovernmentQ2
218 (1456)Indian Institute of Pulses ResearchINDGovernmentQ1
219 (1460)Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
220 (1464)Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Plantas Eduardo Primo YuferaESPGovernmentQ1
220 (1464)Indian Agricultural Statistics Research InstituteINDGovernmentQ1
222 (1468)Advanced Institutes of Convergence TechnologyKORGovernmentQ1
222 (1468)Indian Institute of Soil SciencesINDGovernmentQ1
224 (1484)Centro Cientifico Tecnologico NordesteARGGovernmentQ2
225 (1489)Indian Grassland and Fodder Research InstituteINDGovernmentQ1
225 (1489)Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
227 (1491)Max Planck Institut fur BildungsforschungDEUGovernmentQ1
228 (1493)Central Potato Research InstituteINDGovernmentQ1
228 (1493)Tata Memorial CentreINDGovernmentQ1
230 (1496)Max Planck Institut fur Demografische ForschungDEUGovernmentQ1
230 (1496)Max Planck Institut fur Multidisziplinare NaturwissenschaftenDEUGovernmentQ1
232 (1511)Central Plantation Crops Research InstituteINDGovernmentQ1
232 (1511)Central Institute of Research on Cotton TechnologyINDGovernmentQ1
234 (1531)Max Planck Institut fur Kognitions und NeurowissenschaftenDEUGovernmentQ1
234 (1531)Los Alamos National Laboratory *USAGovernmentQ1
236 (1540)Max Planck Institut fur MenschheitsgeschichteDEUGovernmentQ1
237 (1565)National Institute of Information and Communications TechnologyJPNGovernmentQ1
237 (1565)Max Planck Institut fur PolymerforschungDEUGovernmentQ1
239 (1572)National Research and Innovation Agency *IDNGovernmentQ1
240 (1575)National Institute for Plant BiotechnologyINDGovernmentQ1
241 (1579)Max Planck Institut fur PsychiatrieDEUGovernmentQ1
242 (1586)Argonne National Laboratory *USAGovernmentQ1
242 (1586)Max Planck Institut fur BiochemieDEUGovernmentQ1
244 (1599)Max Planck Institut fur Extraterrestrische PhysikDEUGovernmentQ1
244 (1599)Max Planck Institut fur Kolloid und GrenzflachenforschungDEUGovernmentQ1
246 (1602)Max Planck Institut fur NeurobiologieDEUGovernmentQ1
247 (1611)Max Planck Institut fur Molekulare PflanzenphysiologieDEUGovernmentQ1
248 (1613)Max Planck Institut fur Intelligente SystemeDEUGovernmentQ1
249 (1619)Max Planck Institut fur FestkorperforschungDEUGovernmentQ2
250 (1625)Max Planck Institut fur Molekulare GenetikDEUGovernmentQ1
251 (1630)Max Planck Institut fur Physik Komplexer SystemeDEUGovernmentQ2
252 (1633)Max Planck Institut fur RadioastronomieDEUGovernmentQ1
253 (1638)Fritz Haber Institut Max Planck GesellschaftDEUGovernmentQ2
253 (1638)Max Planck Institut fur KernphysikDEUGovernmentQ2
255 (1642)Max Planck Institut fur InformatikDEUGovernmentQ1
256 (1645)Max Planck Institut fur PhysikDEUGovernmentQ1
256 (1645)Max Planck Institut fur PlasmaphysikDEUGovernmentQ2
258 (1650)Max Planck Institut fur Chemische Physik Fester StoffeDEUGovernmentQ2
258 (1650)Natural Resources Institute FinlandFINGovernmentQ2
260 (1653)Max Planck Institut fur AstrophysikDEUGovernmentQ1
260 (1653)Max Planck Institut fur SonnensystemforschungDEUGovernmentQ2
260 (1653)Max Planck Institut fur EvolutionsbiologieDEUGovernmentQ2
260 (1653)Bhabha Atomic Research CentreINDGovernmentQ1
264 (1660)Max Planck Institute fur GravitationsphysikDEUGovernmentQ1
265 (1663)Max Planck Institut fur Dynamik und SelbstorganisationDEUGovernmentQ2
266 (1666)Max Planck Institut fur Chemische EnergiekonversionDEUGovernmentQ2
266 (1666)Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing ResearchDEUGovernmentQ1
266 (1666)Max Planck Institut fur KohlenforschungDEUGovernmentQ1
269 (1673)Max Planck Institut fur PflanzenzuchtungsforschungDEUGovernmentQ1
269 (1673)Max Planck Institut fur Dynamik Komplexer Technischer SystemeDEUGovernmentQ2
271 (1678)Max Planck Institut fur QuantenoptikDEUGovernmentQ1
272 (1683)Max Planck Institut fur Biologische KybernetikDEUGovernmentQ2
273 (1689)Max Planck Institut fur die Physik des LichtsDEUGovernmentQ1
274 (1692)Max Planck Institut fur Mathematik in den NaturwissenschaftenDEUGovernmentQ2
275 (1700)Forca Aerea Brasileira *BRAGovernmentQ1
276 (1706)Max Planck Institut fur Struktur und Dynamik der MaterieDEUGovernmentQ1
277 (1712)Max Planck Institut fur SoftwaresystemeDEUGovernmentQ2
278 (1714)Comunidad Autonoma de la Region de Murcia *ESPGovernmentQ2
279 (1718)Max Planck Institut fur Empirische AsthetikDEUGovernmentQ2
279 (1718)Max Planck Institut fur WissenschaftsgeschichteDEUGovernmentQ2
279 (1718)Max Planck Institut fur MikrostrukturphysikDEUGovernmentQ2
282 (1723)British Geological SurveyGBRGovernmentQ2
282 (1723)Max Planck Institut fur MathematikDEUGovernmentQ2
284 (1728)Center for Food Safety and Applied NutritionUSAGovernmentQ2
285 (1733)Bank of ItalyITAGovernmentQ1
286 (1744)National Agriculture and Food Research OrganizationJPNGovernmentQ1
287 (1764)Institut Terre et Environnement de StrasbourgFRAGovernmentQ1
288 (1769)Istituto di Fisiologia ClinicaITAGovernmentQ1
289 (1774)National Institute of Water & Atmospheric ResearchNZLGovernmentQ2
290 (1784)Institut de Chimie et Procedes pour l’Energie, l’Environnement et la SanteFRAGovernmentQ1
291 (1793)Institut de Chimie de StrasbourgFRAGovernmentQ1
292 (1797)Forestry and Forest Products Research InstituteJPNGovernmentQ2
292 (1797)Institut de Science et d'Ingenierie SupramoleculairesFRAGovernmentQ1
294 (1816)Observatoire Astronomique de StrasbourgFRAGovernmentQ1
294 (1816)Agencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo de Chile *CHLGovernmentQ1
296 (1819)Istituto di Scienze MarineITAGovernmentQ1
297 (1835)Institut de Recherche Mathematique AvanceeFRAGovernmentQ1
298 (1840)Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique *FRAGovernmentQ1
299 (1843)Alfred Wegener Institut fur Polar und MeeresforschungDEUGovernmentQ1
300 (1849)Institute of Biomedical Science, Academia SinicaTWNGovernmentQ1
301 (1866)Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
302 (1879)Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
303 (1881)Gobierno del Principado de Asturias *ESPGovernmentQ2
304 (1890)Istituto di Ricerca sulle AcqueITAGovernmentQ1
305 (1898)Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del ClimaITAGovernmentQ1
306 (1900)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory *USAGovernmentQ1
306 (1900)Fraunhofer Institut fur System und InnovationsforschungDEUGovernmentQ2
308 (1909)Forschungszentrum fur Molekulare Medizin der Osterreichischen Akademie der WissenschaftenAUTGovernmentQ1
309 (1919)Australian Research Council *AUSGovernmentQ1
310 (1926)Japan International Research Center for Agricultural SciencesJPNGovernmentQ1
311 (1933)Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie MarineITAGovernmentQ1
311 (1933)Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle PianteITAGovernmentQ1
313 (1938)Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico SostenibileITAGovernmentQ2
314 (1939)Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia SinicaTWNGovernmentQ1
315 (1944)Fraunhofer Institut fur Molekularbiologie und Angewandte OekologieDEUGovernmentQ1
315 (1944)Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer *FRAGovernmentQ1
317 (1954)Institute of Physics, Academia SinicaTWNGovernmentQ1
317 (1954)Istituto per la BioEconomiaITAGovernmentQ2
319 (1959)Institute of Astrophysics and Astronomy, Academia SinicaTWNGovernmentQ1
319 (1959)National Remote Sensing CentreINDGovernmentQ1
321 (1965)Fraunhofer Institut fur Solare EnergiesystemeDEUGovernmentQ1
322 (1968)Genomics Research Center, Academia SinicaTWNGovernmentQ1
322 (1968)State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution ControlCHNGovernmentQ1
324 (1972)Observatoire de ParisFRAGovernmentQ1
325 (1973)Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia SinicaTWNGovernmentQ1
326 (1976)European Commission - Joint Research CentreMULGovernmentQ1
326 (1976)Indian Agricultural Research InstituteINDGovernmentQ1
328 (1980)Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia SinicaTWNGovernmentQ1
329 (1986)Institute of Information Science, Academia SinicaTWNGovernmentQ1
330 (1991)Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia SinicaTWNGovernmentQ1
331 (1995)Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia SinicaTWNGovernmentQ2
332 (1998)Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
333 (2003)Istituto di NeuroscienzeITAGovernmentQ1
333 (2003)Istituto di NanotecnologiaITAGovernmentQ1
335 (2009)Istituto di Biostrutture e BioimmaginiITAGovernmentQ1
335 (2009)Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione IdrogeologicaITAGovernmentQ2
335 (2009)Forschungszentrum Julich in der Helmholtz GemeinschaftDEUGovernmentQ1
338 (2015)Laboratoire de Biometrie et Biologie EvolutiveFRAGovernmentQ1
339 (2018)Swedish Museum of Natural HistorySWEGovernmentQ2
340 (2023)Istituto per lo Studio degli Impatti Antropici e Sostenibilita in Ambiente MarinoITAGovernmentQ2
341 (2028)Istituto per l'Endocrinologia e l'Oncologia Gaetano SalvatoreITAGovernmentQ1
341 (2028)Agriculture Victoria *AUSGovernmentQ2
343 (2034)Slovak Academy of Sciences *SVKGovernmentQ1
344 (2039)Istituto dei Sistemi ComplessiITAGovernmentQ2
344 (2039)Istituto per la Microelettronica e MicrosistemiITAGovernmentQ1
344 (2039)Research Center for Information Technology Innovation Academia SinicaTWNGovernmentQ1
347 (2050)Istituto di Geoscienze e GeorisorseITAGovernmentQ2
347 (2050)Paul Ehrlich InstitutDEUGovernmentQ1
347 (2050)Istituto di Chimica BiomolecolareITAGovernmentQ2
350 (2058)Istituto NanoscienzeITAGovernmentQ2
350 (2058)Istituto di Farmacologia TraslazionaleITAGovernmentQ1
352 (2061)China Meteorological AdministrationCHNGovernmentQ1
352 (2061)Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione Alessandro FaedoITAGovernmentQ2
354 (2065)Istituto di Chimica dei Composti Organo MetalliciITAGovernmentQ2
355 (2073)Fraunhofer Institut fur Toxikologie und Experimentelle MedizinDEUGovernmentQ2
355 (2073)Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della CognizioneITAGovernmentQ2
355 (2073)Istituto di Bioimmagini e Fisiologia MolecolareITAGovernmentQ2
358 (2078)Istituto di Fotonica e NanotecnologieITAGovernmentQ1
358 (2078)Istituto Officina dei MaterialiITAGovernmentQ2
358 (2078)Fraunhofer-Institut fur Zelltherapie und ImmunologieDEUGovernmentQ1
358 (2078)Istituto di Scienze PolariITAGovernmentQ2
362 (2085)Istituto per la Tecnologia delle MembraneITAGovernmentQ1
362 (2085)National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine *UKRGovernmentQ1
364 (2088)Bjerknes Centre for Climate ResearchNORGovernmentQ1
364 (2088)Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen Forschungszentrum fur Umwelt und GesundheitDEUGovernmentQ1
364 (2088)Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e GeoingegneriaITAGovernmentQ2
364 (2088)Istituto di Tecnologie BiomedicheITAGovernmentQ1
364 (2088)Istituto di Biologia e Patologia MolecolariITAGovernmentQ2
369 (2098)Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'AmbienteITAGovernmentQ2
369 (2098)Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi AmbientaleITAGovernmentQ2
371 (2101)Defence and Science Technology Organisation AustraliaAUSGovernmentQ2
372 (2106)Istituto per i Processi Chimico FisiciITAGovernmentQ1
372 (2106)Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali NanostrutturatiITAGovernmentQ2
372 (2106)Istituto Superconduttori, Materiali Innovativi e DispositiviITAGovernmentQ2
375 (2116)Istituto di Informatica e TelematicaITAGovernmentQ1
375 (2116)Fraunhofer Institut fur Angewandte InformationstechnikDEUGovernmentQ2
377 (2123)Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad Alte PrestazioniITAGovernmentQ1
377 (2123)Programa Institutos Nacionais de Ciencia, Tecnologia e InovacaoBRAGovernmentQ1
379 (2131)Cardiovasculaire, Metabolisme, Diabetologie & NutritionFRAGovernmentQ1
379 (2131)Institute of Chemistry, Academia SinicaTWNGovernmentQ1
381 (2137)Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica Antonio RubertiITAGovernmentQ2
381 (2137)Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo Mauro PiconeITAGovernmentQ2
381 (2137)Istituto di CristallografiaITAGovernmentQ1
381 (2137)Biology Centre of the ASCRCZEGovernmentQ1
381 (2137)Istituto di Struttura della MateriaITAGovernmentQ2
386 (2148)Istituto di Fisica Applicata Nello CarraraITAGovernmentQ2
386 (2148)Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
388 (2155)Istituto di Elettronica e di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e delle TelecomunicazioniITAGovernmentQ1
388 (2155)Oak Ridge Institute for Science and EducationUSAGovernmentQ2
388 (2155)Fraunhofer Institut fur Produktionstechnik und AutomatisierungDEUGovernmentQ2
391 (2162)Japan Atomic Energy AgencyJPNGovernmentQ2
392 (2167)Fraunhofer-Institut fur Optronik, Systemtechnik und BildauswertungDEUGovernmentQ1
392 (2167)Laboratoire de Geologie de Lyon: Terre, Planetes et EnvironnementFRAGovernmentQ1
394 (2173)Fraunhofer Institut fur Keramische Technologien und SystemeDEUGovernmentQ2
395 (2178)Fraunhofer-Institut fur Integrierte SchaltungenDEUGovernmentQ1
395 (2178)Istituto per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei PlasmiITAGovernmentQ2
395 (2178)Fraunhofer Institut fur Nachrichtentechnik Heinrich Hertz InstitutDEUGovernmentQ1
395 (2178)Istituto dei Materiali per l'Elettronica ed il MagnetismoITAGovernmentQ2
399 (2186)Fraunhofer Institut fur ProduktionstechnologieDEUGovernmentQ2
399 (2186)Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie InformaticheITAGovernmentQ2
399 (2186)Fraunhofer Institut fur Bildgestutzte MedizinDEUGovernmentQ1
402 (2193)Fraunhofer Institut fur Techno- und WirtschaftsmathematikDEUGovernmentQ2
402 (2193)Fraunhofer Institut fur Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte MaterialforschungDEUGovernmentQ2
404 (2202)Fraunhofer Institut fur Werkzeugmaschinen und UmformtechnikDEUGovernmentQ2
405 (2213)Fraunhofer Institut fur Angewandte Optik und FeinmechanikDEUGovernmentQ1
406 (2219)Fraunhofer-Institut fur Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und ErgonomieDEUGovernmentQ2
406 (2219)Fraunhofer Institut fur Werkstoff- und StrahltechnikDEUGovernmentQ1
406 (2219)Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences *NLDGovernmentQ1
406 (2219)Fraunhofer Institut fur Produktionsanlagen und KonstruktionstechnikDEUGovernmentQ2
410 (2225)Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and TechnologyJPNGovernmentQ1
411 (2236)Fraunhofer Institut fur LasertechnikDEUGovernmentQ2
412 (2246)National Health Laboratory ServicesZAFGovernmentQ1
413 (2284)Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceJPNGovernmentQ2
414 (2287)Institut Lumiere MatiereFRAGovernmentQ1
415 (2314)Region StockholmSWEGovernmentQ2
416 (2319)Institut Camille JordanFRAGovernmentQ1
417 (2327)Institut de Robotica i Informatica IndustrialESPGovernmentQ1
418 (2332)Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research *MULGovernmentQ2
419 (2338)Institute of Botany of the ASCRCZEGovernmentQ1
420 (2347)State Key Laboratory of Millimeter WavesHKGGovernmentQ1
420 (2347)Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Research Bulgarian Academy of SciencesBGRGovernmentQ1
422 (2354)Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica *ITAGovernmentQ1
423 (2368)Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
424 (2373)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion *MULGovernmentQ1
425 (2384)Institut PascalFRAGovernmentQ1
426 (2401)Instituto de Fisica de CantabriaESPGovernmentQ1
427 (2406)Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
428 (2420)Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Bulgarian Academy of SciencesBGRGovernmentQ1
429 (2425)British Antarctic SurveyGBRGovernmentQ2
430 (2442)Doe Joint Genome InstituteUSAGovernmentQ1
431 (2448)Hefei Institutes of Physical Sciences, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
432 (2460)National Oceanography Centre SouthamptonGBRGovernmentQ2
433 (2464)Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology Bulgarian Academy of SciencesBGRGovernmentQ1
434 (2468)Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry Bulgarian Academy of SciencesBGRGovernmentQ1
435 (2470)Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement de LyonFRAGovernmentQ1
435 (2470)European Southern Observatory *DEUGovernmentQ1
437 (2476)Sandia National Laboratories, New MexicoUSAGovernmentQ1
437 (2476)Helmholtz-Zentrum fur Ozeanforschung Kiel UmgewandeltDEUGovernmentQ2
439 (2483)Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering Bulgarian Academy of SciencesBGRGovernmentQ1
439 (2483)Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-FerrandFRAGovernmentQ1
439 (2483)Institute of Information and Communication Technologies Bulgarian Academy of SciencesBGRGovernmentQ2
442 (2493)Laboratoire Magmas et VolcansFRAGovernmentQ2
442 (2493)Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of SciencesBGRGovernmentQ2
444 (2500)Institut des Sciences Moleculaires de MarseilleFRAGovernmentQ1
444 (2500)Deutsches Zentrum fur Neurodegenerative ErkrankungenDEUGovernmentQ1
446 (2509)Laboratoire Chimie ProvenceFRAGovernmentQ2
446 (2509)Environnements et Paleoenvironnements Oceaniques et ContinentauxFRAGovernmentQ2
448 (2517)Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum *DEUGovernmentQ1
449 (2525)Field Museum Natural HistoryUSAGovernmentQ2
450 (2532)Centre de Recherche de l'Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle EpiniereFRAGovernmentQ1
450 (2532)Georgi Nadjakov Institute of Solid State Physic Bulgarian Academy of SciencesBGRGovernmentQ1
452 (2536)Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry Bulgarian Academy of SciencesBGRGovernmentQ2
453 (2556)Institut de Mineralogie et de Physique des Milieux CondensesFRAGovernmentQ2
453 (2556)Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
453 (2556)Centre de Recherche en Automatique de NancyFRAGovernmentQ2
453 (2556)Physikalisch-Technische BundesanstaltDEUGovernmentQ3
457 (2566)National Energy Technology LaboratoryUSAGovernmentQ2
458 (2571)Institute of Physiology of the ASCRCZEGovernmentQ1
459 (2589)Institut de Recherches sur les lois Fondamentales de l'UniversFRAGovernmentQ1
459 (2589)Institut pour l'Avancee des BiosciencesFRAGovernmentQ1
459 (2589)South African National Biodiversity InstituteZAFGovernmentQ2
462 (2595)Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
462 (2595)Ministry of Ecology and EnvironmentCHNGovernmentQ1
464 (2601)Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the ASCRCZEGovernmentQ1
464 (2601)Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government *CHNGovernmentQ1
466 (2612)New York Botanical GardenUSAGovernmentQ3
467 (2620)Natural History Museum of los Angeles CountyUSAGovernmentQ3
468 (2629)J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCRCZEGovernmentQ1
469 (2635)Nuclear Physics Institute of the ASCRCZEGovernmentQ1
469 (2635)Institut Jean Lamour - Materiaux, Metallurgie, Nanosciences, Plasmas, SurfacesFRAGovernmentQ2
469 (2635)Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et MinieresFRAGovernmentQ2
472 (2643)Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
473 (2647)L'Unite de Recherche de l'Institut du ThoraxFRAGovernmentQ1
474 (2650)Institut Jean Barriol, Chimie et Physique Moleculaires et BiomoleculairesFRAGovernmentQ2
475 (2662)Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Materiau BoisFRAGovernmentQ2
476 (2668)Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the ASCRCZEGovernmentQ1
477 (2677)Institute of Geology of the ASCRCZEGovernmentQ1
477 (2677)Institute of Computer Science of the ASCRCZEGovernmentQ2
477 (2677)Astronomical Institute of the ASCRCZEGovernmentQ1
477 (2677)Donostia International Physics Center ESPGovernmentQ2
481 (2687)Naturalis Biodiversity CenterNLDGovernmentQ2
482 (2693)Laboratoire d'Energetique et de Mecanique Theorique et AppliqueeFRAGovernmentQ2
483 (2700)Savannah River National LaboratoryUSAGovernmentQ3
484 (2705)Institute of Plasma Physics of the ASCRCZEGovernmentQ2
485 (2713)Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
486 (2727)Institute of Mathematics of the ASCRCZEGovernmentQ2
486 (2727)Molecular FoundryUSAGovernmentQ1
488 (2732)Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
488 (2732)Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
490 (2741)Institut Elie Cartan de LorraineFRAGovernmentQ2
491 (2759)National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of ChinaCHNGovernmentQ1
491 (2759)Grenoble Institut des NeurosciencesFRAGovernmentQ2
493 (2765)Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of SciencesCHNGovernmentQ1
493 (2765)Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of ScienceCHNGovernmentQ1
493 (2765)Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of ScienceCHNGovernmentQ1
496 (2775)Centre for Ecology and HydrologyGBRGovernmentQ1
496 (2775)National Bureau of Plant Genetic ResourcesINDGovernmentQ1
498 (2781)Limnological Institute Russian Academy of SciencesRUSGovernmentQ1
498 (2781)Guangzhou Municipal People's Government *CHNGovernmentQ1
500 (2788)Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales *FRAGovernmentQ1