| 1 (506) | Japan Science & Technology Agency | JPN | | |
| 2 (588) | National Institute of Informatics | JPN | | |
| 3 (725) | RIKEN-Institute of Physical and Chemical Research | JPN | | |
| 4 (783) | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology | JPN | | |
| 5 (1147) | Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International | JPN | | |
| 6 (1378) | National Institute for Materials Science | JPN | | |
| 7 (1549) | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | JPN | | |
| 8 (1826) | National Agriculture and Food Research Organization | JPN | | |
| 9 (2472) | National Institute for Physiological Science | JPN | | |
| 10 (3527) | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science | JPN | | |
| 11 (3612) | Institute for Molecular Science | JPN | | |
| 12 (3788) | The Institute of Statistical Mathematics | JPN | | |
| 13 (4523) | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences | JPN | | |
| 14 (4620) | Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute | JPN | | |
| 15 (5111) | Hyogo Cancer Center | JPN | | |
| 16 (5365) | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency | JPN | | |
| 17 (6379) | National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention | JPN | | |
| 18 (6616) | National Institute for Environmental Studies | JPN | | |
| 19 (6746) | High Energy Accelerator Research Organization | JPN | | |
| 20 (6918) | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology | JPN | | |
| 21 (6945) | Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute | JPN | | |
| 22 (7256) | Meteorological Research Institute | JPN | | |
| 23 (7292) | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | JPN | | |
| 24 (7673) | National Institute for Fusion Science | JPN | | |
| 25 (8101) | National Institute of Polar Research | JPN | | |
| 25 (8101) | Japan Meteorological Agency | JPN | | |
| 27 (8544) | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan * | JPN | | |
| 28 (8769) | Research Institute for Humanity and Nature | JPN | | |