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75 ranked institutions
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1 (62)University of Amsterdam *NLDUniversityQ1
2 (70)Hubrecht InstituteNLDGovernmentQ1
3 (94)Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam *NLDUniversityQ1
4 (137)Utrecht University *NLDUniversityQ1
5 (164)Amsterdam Universitair Medische CentraNLDHealthQ1
6 (208)University of Groningen *NLDUniversityQ1
7 (219)Oncode InstituteNLDNon-ProfitQ1
8 (220)Erasmus University Rotterdam *NLDUniversityQ1
9 (227)Leiden University *NLDUniversityQ1
10 (293)Erasmus Medical CenterNLDHealthQ1
11 (314)Kavli Institute of Nanoscience DelftNLDGovernmentQ1
12 (332)Delft University of Technology *NLDUniversityQ1
13 (364)University Medical Center UtrechtNLDHealthQ1
14 (371)Leiden University Medical CenterNLDHealthQ1
15 (411)University Medical Center GroningenNLDHealthQ1
16 (422)Wageningen University and Research CentreNLDUniversityQ1
17 (436)Philips Research, EindhovenNLDCompanyQ1
18 (439)Radboud University Nijmegen Medical CentreNLDHealthQ1
19 (737)Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences *NLDGovernmentQ1
20 (773)Maastricht UniversityNLDUniversityQ1
21 (796)Eindhoven University of TechnologyNLDUniversityQ1
22 (888)Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek HospitalNLDHealthQ1
23 (894)University of TwenteNLDUniversityQ2
24 (1004)Sanquin Blood SupplyNLDHealthQ1
25 (1026)Radboud University NijmegenNLDUniversityQ1
26 (1047)Princess Maxima CenterNLDHealthQ1
27 (1097)University Hospital MaastrichtNLDHealthQ1
28 (1381)National Institute for Public Health and the EnvironmentNLDHealthQ1
29 (1573)Netherlands Institute for NeuroscienceNLDGovernmentQ1
30 (1773)Royal Netherlands Meteorological InstituteNLDGovernmentQ2
31 (1921)Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific ResearchNLDGovernmentQ2
32 (2010)Shell, NetherlandsNLDCompanyQ1
33 (2171)Centrum Wiskunde & InformaticaNLDGovernmentQ1
34 (2335)GGD AmsterdamNLDHealthQ2
35 (2422)Isala ClinicsNLDHealthQ2
36 (2433)European Space Research and Technology CentreNLDGovernmentQ2
37 (2447)Netherlands Heart InstituteNLDGovernmentQ2
38 (2489)Netherlands Institute of EcologyNLDGovernmentQ2
39 (2494)Meander Medical CentreNLDHealthQ2
40 (2557)Albert Schweitzer ZiekenhuisNLDHealthQ2
41 (2653)St Antonius HospitalNLDHealthQ2
42 (2743)Dutch Scientific Research Institutes *NLDNon-ProfitQ2
43 (2798)Catharina HospitalNLDHealthQ2
44 (3023)Tilburg UniversityNLDUniversityQ2
45 (3045)Max Planck Institut fur PsycholinguistikNLDGovernmentQ2
46 (3285)Canisius Wilhelmina ZiekenhuisNLDHealthQ2
47 (3467)Medisch Spectrum TwenteNLDHealthQ3
48 (3724)SRON Netherlands Institute for Space ResearchNLDGovernmentQ2
49 (3748)Rijnstate ZiekenhuisNLDHealthQ2
50 (3796)National Institute for Subatatomic PhysicsNLDGovernmentQ2
51 (3859)Onze Lieve Vrouwe HospitalNLDHealthQ3
52 (3953)Amphia HospitalNLDHealthQ3
53 (3995)Jeroen Bosch HospitalNLDHealthQ3
54 (4086)Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea ResearchNLDGovernmentQ2
55 (4324)Medisch Centrum HaaglandenNLDHealthQ3
56 (4370)Martini HospitalNLDHealthQ3
57 (4472)Netherlands Institute for Radio AstronomyNLDGovernmentQ2
58 (4663)Netherlands Institute for Health Services ResearchNLDNon-ProfitQ2
59 (4772)Maasstad HospitalNLDHealthQ3
60 (4863)DeltaresNLDNon-ProfitQ3
61 (4973)HAN University of Applied SciencesNLDUniversityQ3
62 (5094)Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and DevelopmentNLDGovernmentQ3
63 (5166)Hogeschool van AmsterdamNLDUniversityQ2
64 (5250)Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer OrganisationNLDHealthQ3
65 (5261)UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and TechnologyNLDNon-ProfitQ3
66 (5324)Naturalis Biodiversity CenterNLDGovernmentQ2
67 (5401)IHE Delft Institute for Water EducationNLDNon-ProfitQ3
68 (5498)Sint MaartenskliniekNLDHealthQ4
69 (5639)HU University of Applied Sciences UtrechtNLDUniversityQ2
70 (5691)Hanze University of Applied Sciences, GroningenNLDUniversityQ3
71 (5723)Fontys University of Applied SciencesNLDUniversityQ3
72 (6664)Open University NetherlandsNLDUniversityQ3
73 (7053)University of Humanistic StudiesNLDUniversityQ4
74 (8319)Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law EnforcementNLDGovernmentQ2
75 (9478)Tinbergen InstituteNLDUniversityQ4