| 1 (21) | University of Bergen | NOR | |
| 2 (53) | University of Tromso | NOR | |
| 3 (54) | University of Helsinki | FIN | |
| 4 (116) | University of Copenhagen | DNK | |
| 4 (116) | University of Oslo | NOR | |
| 6 (143) | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | NOR | |
| 7 (148) | Aarhus University | DNK | |
| 8 (187) | Aalborg University | DNK | |
| 9 (198) | Norwegian Institute for Air Research | NOR | |
| 10 (215) | Aalto University | FIN | |
| 11 (220) | Abo Academy University | FIN | |
| 12 (238) | Uppsala University | SWE | |
| 13 (259) | SINTEF Group | NOR | |
| 14 (284) | National Institute for Health and Welfare | FIN | |
| 14 (284) | University of Oulu | FIN | |
| 16 (324) | University of Jyvaskyla | FIN | |
| 17 (368) | Technical University of Denmark | DNK | |
| 18 (396) | Lappeenranta University of Technology | FIN | |
| 18 (396) | Royal Institute of Technology | SWE | |
| 20 (424) | Karolinska Institute | SWE | |
| 20 (424) | Umea University | SWE | |
| 20 (424) | University of Gothenburg | SWE | |
| 23 (444) | Jonkoping University | SWE | |
| 24 (526) | University of Turku | FIN | |
| 25 (573) | Copenhagen Business School | DNK | |
| 25 (573) | Linkoping University | SWE | |
| 25 (573) | Lund University | SWE | |
| 28 (636) | Stockholm University | SWE | |
| 28 (636) | Tampere University of Technology | FIN | |
| 30 (690) | University of Tampere | FIN | |
| 31 (760) | VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland | FIN | |
| 32 (841) | Blekinge Tekniska Hogskola | SWE | |
| 32 (841) | Oslo and Akershus University College | NOR | |
| 34 (945) | Finnish Meteorological Institute | FIN | |
| 34 (945) | Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland | DNK | |
| 34 (945) | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | SWE | |
| 37 (1133) | Chalmers University of Technology | SWE | |
| 37 (1133) | Finnish Forest Research Institute | FIN | |
| 37 (1133) | Geological Survey of Norway | NOR | |
| 37 (1133) | Lulea University of Technology | SWE | |
| 37 (1133) | Roskilde University | DNK | |
| 37 (1133) | Simula Research Laboratory | NOR | |
| 37 (1133) | University of Agder | NOR | |
| 37 (1133) | University of Eastern Finland | FIN | |
| 37 (1133) | University of Iceland | ISL | |
| 37 (1133) | University of Southern Denmark | DNK | |
| 37 (1133) | University of Stavanger | NOR | |
| 48 (1462) | Danish Cancer Society | DNK | |
| 48 (1462) | Finnish Environment Institute | FIN | |
| 48 (1462) | Gjovik University College | NOR | |
| 48 (1462) | Linnaeus University | SWE | |
| 48 (1462) | Malardalen University College | SWE | |
| 48 (1462) | Malmo University | SWE | |
| 48 (1462) | MTT Agrifood Research Finland | FIN | |
| 48 (1462) | Norwegian Institute of Public Health | NOR | |
| 48 (1462) | Norwegian Polar Institute | NOR | |
| 48 (1462) | Norwegian University of Life Sciences | NOR | |
| 48 (1462) | Orebro Universitet | SWE | |
| 48 (1462) | Swedish Museum of Natural History | SWE | |
| 60 (2005) | European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control | SWE | |
| 60 (2005) | Finnish Institute Occupational Health | FIN | |
| 60 (2005) | Folkhalsan | FIN | |
| 60 (2005) | Halmstad University College | SWE | |
| 60 (2005) | Helsinki University Central Hospital | FIN | |
| 60 (2005) | Institute of Marine Research | NOR | |
| 60 (2005) | Karlstad University | SWE | |
| 60 (2005) | Mid Sweden University | SWE | |
| 60 (2005) | Norwegian Institute for Nature Research | NOR | |
| 60 (2005) | Oslo University Hospital | NOR | |
| 60 (2005) | Reykjavik University | ISL | |
| 60 (2005) | SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden | SWE | |
| 72 (2984) | Aalborg University Hospital | DNK | |
| 72 (2984) | Akershus University Hospital | NOR | |
| 72 (2984) | AstraZeneca, Sweden | SWE | |
| 72 (2984) | Bergen University College | NOR | |
| 72 (2984) | BioMediTech | FIN | |
| 72 (2984) | Cancer Registry of Norway Institute of Population-Based Cancer Research | NOR | |
| 72 (2984) | Copenhagen University Hospital | DNK | |
| 72 (2984) | Dalarna University College | SWE | |
| 72 (2984) | Hanken School of Economics | FIN | |
| 72 (2984) | Haukeland University Hospital | NOR | |
| 72 (2984) | Helsinki Institute for Information Technology | FIN | |
| 72 (2984) | Helsinki Institute of Physics | FIN | |
| 72 (2984) | Hogskola i Skovde | SWE | |
| 72 (2984) | Institute for Energy Technology | NOR | |
| 72 (2984) | Institute for Molecular Medicine | FIN | |
| 72 (2984) | IT University of Copenhagen | DNK | |
| 72 (2984) | Karolinska University Hospital | SWE | |
| 72 (2984) | Kuopio University Hospital | FIN | |
| 72 (2984) | Landspitali National University Hospital | ISL | |
| 72 (2984) | National Research Centre for the Working Environment | DNK | |
| 72 (2984) | National Veterinary Institute Sweden | SWE | |
| 72 (2984) | NOFIMA | NOR | |
| 72 (2984) | Nordic School of Public Health | SWE | |
| 72 (2984) | Norwegian School of Sport Sciences | NOR | |
| 72 (2984) | Novo Nordisk A/S | DNK | |
| 72 (2984) | Odense University Hospital | DNK | |
| 72 (2984) | Orebro University Hospital | SWE | |
| 72 (2984) | Oulu University Hospital | FIN | |
| 72 (2984) | Sahlgrenska University Hospital | SWE | |
| 72 (2984) | Skane University Hospital | SWE | |
| 72 (2984) | St. Olavs University Hospital | NOR | |
| 72 (2984) | Statens Serum Institut | DNK | |
| 72 (2984) | Stavanger University Hospital | NOR | |
| 72 (2984) | Steno Diabetes Center | DNK | |
| 72 (2984) | Tampere University Hospital | FIN | |
| 72 (2984) | The Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics | SWE | |
| 72 (2984) | Turku PET Centre | FIN | |
| 72 (2984) | Turku University Hospital | FIN | |
| 72 (2984) | University Centre in Svalbard | NOR | |
| 72 (2984) | University Hospital of Northern Norway | NOR | |
| 72 (2984) | University of Lapland | FIN | |
| 72 (2984) | University of Nordland | NOR | |
| 72 (2984) | University of Vaasa | FIN | |
| 72 (2984) | Uppsala University Hospital | SWE | |