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20 ranked institutions
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1 (61)National University of SingaporeSGPUniversity
2 (153)Agency for Science, Technology and Research Singapore *SGPGovernment
3 (159)Nanyang Technological UniversitySGPUniversity
4 (245)Genome Institute of SingaporeSGPGovernment
5 (538)Institute for Infocomm ResearchSGPGovernment
6 (546)Institute of Materials Research and EngineeringSGPGovernment
7 (629)Institute of Molecular and Cell BiologySGPGovernment
8 (748)Singapore-MIT AllianceSGPGovernment
9 (834)Singapore National Eye CentreSGPHealth
10 (920)Institute of MicroelectronicsSGPGovernment
11 (1155)Singapore Management UniversitySGPUniversity
12 (1464)DSO National LaboratoriesSGPCompany
13 (1767)National University Health SystemSGPHealth
14 (1788)National Cancer CentreSGPHealth
15 (1836)Institute of Chemical and Engineering SciencesSGPGovernment
16 (1903)Singapore Institute of Manufacturing TechnologySGPGovernment
17 (2012)Singapore General HospitalSGPHealth
18 (2042)Data Storage InstituteSGPGovernment
19 (2186)Institute of High Performance ComputingSGPGovernment
20 (2906)Tan Tock Seng HospitalSGPHealth